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Digital tools

Call for projects of the FC3R – Results publication in April 2024


With this call for projects, the FC3R has undertaken to provide financial support for innovative projects that develop or democratise "Digital Approaches" that will enable progress to be made in Replacement (modelling, in silico development of digital twins, etc.), Reduction (exploitation of existing results "Data mining", analysis of large datasets "Big data", etc.) or Refinement (digital "monitoring" sensors, non-contact experimentation, etc.) in the life sciences. Cross-disciplinary and collaborative projects have been encouraged, and particular attention has been paid to managing data and making it available to the community (PGD, FAIR, Open Science, etc.).

Of the 40 projects submitted, 9 were selected by the Scientific Committee for total funding by the FC3R of 399 990 €.



AMI : Animal-Machine Interfaces to refine non-human primates’ welfare monitoring, digital enrichments and social group management.

DIOGENES : Digital twIns fOr reducinG animal usE iN rhEumatoid arthritiS.

DrugDataMiner : Non Clinical and Clinical Data Extraction to reduce the use of animals in research and testing.

LEARN (L3Rn) : Development of an innovative platform for teaching experimental physiology in higher education..

MOUSETUBEV2 : Organisation of the sharing and re-use of rodents sound recordings to understand their vocal communication.

OvoTox : Coupling physiologically-based kinetic models of endocrine axes with structured cell population dynamics models: an integrative approach of reproductive toxicity.

sIRMaqc : standardizing anatomical and quantitative MRI for connectomics.

SYNLET : Investigating Synthetic Lethality to Guide Personalization of Glioblastoma Treatment.

SYNPLASTOOL : Development of the Synapse Plasticity tool for prediction of synapse plasticity outcome in silico.

AMI : Animal-Machine Interfaces to refine non-human primates’ welfare monitoring, digital enrichments and social group management.

DIOGENES : Digital twIns fOr reducinG animal usE iN rhEumatoid arthritiS.

DrugDataMiner : Non Clinical and Clinical Data Extraction to reduce the use of animals in research and testing.

LEARN (L3Rn) : Development of an innovative platform for teaching experimental physiology in higher education..

MOUSETUBEV2 : Organisation of the sharing and re-use of rodents sound recordings to understand their vocal communication.

OvoTox : Coupling physiologically-based kinetic models of endocrine axes with structured cell population dynamics models: an integrative approach of reproductive toxicity.

sIRMaqc : standardizing anatomical and quantitative MRI for connectomics.

SYNLET : Investigating Synthetic Lethality to Guide Personalization of Glioblastoma Treatment.

SYNPLASTOOL : Development of the Synapse Plasticity tool for prediction of synapse plasticity outcome in silico.

a training

a Short Note