Continuing the work of the FC3R over the past two years, the first French 3R Days aimed to promote the 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refine) in France. The conference encouraged interaction between researchers, institutions and civil society actors, while promoting the exchange of knowledge and good practices around the 3Rs. It was also an opportunity to highlight the significant progress made in France in this field.
The programme was structured around four thematic sessions, focusing on FC3R actions, current initiatives and prospects for further integrating the 3Rs into scientific practice. In addition to these thematic sessions, the symposium also included a keynote speech on change management in animal experimentation.
Finally, the FC3R Scientific Committee presented its first 3R Awards for 'Research' and 'Culture of Care' in recognition of innovative and significant initiatives to implement the 3Rs in France.
We invite you to watch or replay most of the speeches from these days on this page (in French).