Towards new publishing models: the example of eLife
How eLife differentiates itself by proposing a new approach to reviewing and communicating research results.
Replacing cats in toxoplasmosis research
Interview with Dr Mohamed-Ali Hakimi, winner of the "Chairs of Excellence in Biology/Health" call for projects.
Refining post-operative housing for social animals
To combat the systematic isolation of rats with brain implants, Marc Valdebenito has developed a protective cover that allows these social animals to be housed together.
FC3R 'Culture of care' 3Rs Prize 2024
The FC3R has awarded its first 'Culture of care' 3Rs Prize to Fabrice Reigner for the commitment of his horse team to the 3Rs over the past 20 years.
FC3R 'Research' 3Rs Prize 2024
For his publication on the development of biorobotic and in silico heart models, the FC3R has awarded its first 'Research' 3Rs Prize to Fabien Kawecki.
Exavir, to reduce the use of animals in higher education
A software program that allows pharmacy students to reduce the use of animals while optimizing their learning.