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EU-11: Design of procedures and projects – level 2

ETPLAS Education and Training Platform for Laboratory Animal Science

Description of the training

EU Module 11 is aimed at research workers who will be required to develop, direct and control a programme of work in order to achieve its stated objectives. They will need to achieve this while ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of the national and international regulatory framework governing their project.

Implementation of the Three R’s throughout the programme of work. Learning outcomes relating to Replacement are addressed in detail e-learning modules EU Modules EU 52 and EU 60, hosted on the ETPLAS website.

Topics covered during the training

Function B: 11 - Design of procedures and projects (level 2)

Species covered during the training

The following species are covered during the training : all


Practical information

Continuing education

ETPLAS Education and Training Platform for Laboratory Animal Science

In English

Remote training

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EU-10: Design of procedures and projects – level 1

ETPLAS Education and Training Platform for Laboratory Animal Science

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a Short Note