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Maintenance of skills for the use of live animals for scientific purposes #3: rodent breeding colony management

23.05.25 - 23.05.25, Sorbonne Université, Paris

Description of the training

- Know how to choose an animal model the most suitable for the planned studies.

- Know the rules of management of a rodent facility.

- Be familiar with the requirements of the animal care program.

- Be warned about transportation rules for animals used for scientific purposes.

Topics covered during the training

— Panel of the different organisms used in animal research.
— Reasoned management of an animal facility.
— Parameters related to reproduction.
— Environment-related parameters.
— Importance of phenotyping and genotyping of transgenic lines.
— Rules for developing an animal program in an animal facility.
— Transportation of animals used for scientific purposes.

Species covered during the training

The following species are covered during the training : rats, rongeurs, souris


Practical information

Continuing education

Sorbonne Université, Paris

23.05.25 - 23.05.25

1 day

Applicators, Researchers, Designers, Doctorants, Experimenters, Engineers, Post-docs, Animals facilities manager, Veterinarians

In English

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a Short Note