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Ethics & STICs

01.02.25 - 07.03.25, Université Paris Saclay

Description de la formation

- Training in scientific integrity, open science, research ethics and information ethics for doctoral students in information technologies.

Thèmes abordés

- Navigate the legal, social and regulatory framework in which scientific research is conducted.
- Assert a basic understanding of the goals, methods and practice of scientific research, so as to avoid the pitfalls of misconduct and malpractice. (scientific integrity)
- Understand how scientific activity changes our lives and impacts society, for good or for bad, and acquire a framework to help you control this impact (research ethics).
- Apply this general framework to the context of information technologies (Computer and Information Ethics).
- Acquire the basis for protecting the value produced by science (intellectual property, open science), communicating properly at the time of internet (scientific communication, open science and internet ethics) and protect our digital selves (privacy and personal data).
- Finally acquire an overview of some important ethical debates around information technologies, such as design ethics, the ethics of decision management, the ethics of data science, the ethics of autonomous systems, and global information ethics.

Espèces concernées

Aucune espèce animale n'est abordée au cours de la formation.


Informations pratiques

Formation continue

Université Paris Saclay

01.02.25 - 07.03.25

15 heures

Applicateur, designers, doctorants, étudiants Bac+5, expérimentateurs, post-doctorants

En anglais

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