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EU-60: Developing in vitro methods and approaches for scientific and regulatory use

ETPLAS Education and Training Platform for Laboratory Animal Science

Description de la formation

This module provides guidance to in vitro test method developers and others interested in ensuring the quality of new methods or approaches and in improving the efficiency with which these are developed, tested, optimised and approved by regulatory bodies.

Thèmes abordés

- Context and needs for reliable and relevant in vitro methods.
- Method development and implementation based on Good In Vitro Method Practices (GIVIMP).
- Demonstrating the scientific validity of a new method or approach.
- Knowledge assessment.

Espèces concernées

Aucune espèce animale n'est abordée au cours de la formation.


Informations pratiques

Formation continue

ETPLAS Education and Training Platform for Laboratory Animal Science

Chercheurs, étudiants, étudiants Bac+5

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