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Intensive course on experimental design and biostatistics

01.01.25 - 31.01.25, Fondazione Guido Bernardini (FGB), On- line

Description de la formation

- Currently, the scientific literature is critical of the translatability of in vivo research results and of the reproducibility of research conducted with animals. There are certainly solutions on what should be done to improve the translatability and reproducibility of animal experiments.
- Among the solutions, statistics and experimental design play a central role to reach better translatability and reproducibility, in addition to contribute to the Reduction arm of the ThreeRs. This course addresses the central question of how to design your experiments and which test to perform given your specific research questions.
- This course offers lectures, exercises and discussions on these topics.

Thèmes abordés

- Research design.
- Hypothesis tests.
- The experimental design: how to generalize the results.

Espèces concernées

Toutes les espèces sont abordées durant la formation.


Informations pratiques

Formation continue

Fondazione Guido Bernardini (FGB), On- line

01.01.25 - 31.01.25

1 mois

Applicateur, cadres, chercheurs, concepteur, doctorants, expérimentateurs, ingénieurs, post-doctorants, vétérinaires

En anglais

En distanciel

Partager la formation

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