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JRC Summer School on Non-Animal Approaches in Science

19.05.25 - 23.05.25, European Commission's Joint Research Centre, Ispra

Description de la formation

Non-animal approaches not only address the ethical aspects of using animals in science, but also offer huge advantages for conducting human relevant research and testing, whether it be for studying disease mechanisms, developing new therapies or ensuring the safe and sustainable use of chemicals.

Cutting-edge technologies including induced pluripotent stem cells, organ-on-chip, computational modelling and artificial intelligence are being exploited for world class science that benefits our society and supports sustainable development and innovation.

The JRC Summer School provides you with a unique opportunity to learn from experts in the field, share knowledge and experience with your peers, and build your professional network, all while having fun too!

Espèces concernées

Aucune espèce animale n'est abordée au cours de la formation.


Informations pratiques

Formation continue

European Commission's Joint Research Centre, Ispra

19.05.25 - 23.05.25

5 jours

Chercheurs, doctorants, post-doctorants

En anglais

Formation sur le remplacement

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