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Recognition of pain, suffering and distress: species specific

30.04.25 - 01.05.25, CLAST, On-line

Description de la formation

- This unit prepares individuals to be able to identify normal condition and behaviour of experimental animals and enable them to differentiate between a normal animal and one which is showing signs of pain, suffering or distress which could be a result of factors including environment, husbandry or the effect of experimental protocols. It will also provide information regarding severity classifications, cumulative severity and the use of humane endpoints.

Thèmes abordés

- Assessment of the animal.
- Humane end points.
- Refinement.

Espèces concernées

Toutes les espèces sont abordées durant la formation.


Informations pratiques

Formation continue

CLAST, On-line

30.04.25 - 01.05.25

200 heures

Applicateur, chercheurs, concepteur, étudiants, étudiants Bac+5, expérimentateurs, ingénieurs, post-doctorants, responsables d'animalerie, techniciens animaliers

En anglais

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