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Sex a Biological Variable: a primer


Description de la formation

The course consists of four independent, interactive modules that are designed to help the biomedical research community—including researchers, NIH grant applicants, and peer reviewers—account for and appropriately integrate SABV across the full spectrum of biomedical sciences. The NIH SABV policy originated in a notice titled “Consideration of Sex as a Biological Variable in NIH-funded Research.” It summarizes NIH’s expectation that SABV will be factored into research designs, analyses, and reporting in vertebrate animal and human studies.

Thèmes abordés

- SABV and the Health of Women and Men.
- SABV and Experimental Design.
- SABV and Analyses.
- SABV and Research Reporting.

Espèces concernées

Aucune espèce animale n'est abordée au cours de la formation.


Informations pratiques

Formation continue


4 heures

Cadres, chercheurs, concepteur, doctorants, expérimentateurs, ingénieurs, post-doctorants

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