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What you should know about your rodent facility

19.03.25 - 20.03.25, Fondazione Guido Bernardini (FGB), Milano

Description de la formation

The course participants should be able to:
−    Understand and describe the challenges of the microbiological monitoring approaches over the years.
−    Understand and describe the challenges during the introduction of incoming animals.
−    Describe the possible approaches for quarantine procedures.
−    Evaluate certificate of incoming animals.
−    Organize and setting up the acceptance criteria of incoming animals.
−    Define the proper destination of incoming animals.
−    Organize and setting up an health monitoring program for rodents in different scenarios.
−    Describe Zebrafish husbandry and experimental application.
−    Understand the importance of an health monitoring program for Zebrafish identifying the possible approaches.
−    Organize and setting up an health monitoring program for Zebrafish in different scenarios.

Thèmes abordés

⁃ Microbiological monitoring of rodents: past, present and future.
⁃ Incoming animals.
⁃ Quarantine procedures.
⁃ Workshop on management of incoming animals.
⁃ Workshop on microbiological monitoring of rodents.
⁃ Husbandry and experimental applications of Zebrafish.
⁃ Why should we worry about health monitoring of Zebrafish?
⁃ Health monitoring approaches for Zebrafish.
⁃ Workshop on microbiological monitoring program for Zebrafish.

Espèces concernées

poissons, zebrafish


Informations pratiques

Formation continue

Fondazione Guido Bernardini (FGB), Milano

19.03.25 - 20.03.25

2 jours

Applicateur, cadres, chercheurs, concepteur, doctorants, expérimentateurs, ingénieurs, post-doctorants, vétérinaires

En anglais

Partager la formation

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